The Wiki-Gigs Project:
Like many touring concert professionals I am constantly in need of venue information to help with show design, in my case for audio systems. It makes each day run smoother when you have a completed or almost-completed system design ready before you walk into the venue. To achieve this you need to know the basic geometry of the audience listening area to create a virtual venue in any of the sound design programs from speaker manufacturers like Meyer, L'acoustics, D&B, Adamson, Clair, etc.
You would think that this information would be easy to come by now that we are in the 'information age' but it is often very time consuming and sometimes impossible to get the details that you need - hence the need for a database of concert venue information.
The goal of this site is to share information between interested technicians to improve our collective knowledge base and tradecraft.
The site will be started with roughly 100 venues that I have visited over the past 2 years and hopefully, with the help of other people in the industry, will grow to become a useful reference for planning your next show or tour.